If i look at my investments in the stock market, my nick name is unhappyman, this is one of my bigg intrests, and my investments hade gone down around 90 %, inn sweden we who was the leading IT nation in the word, this amazing companies have gone down 90-99%, from year 2000. The famus comapny, Ericsson, have gone from 20$, to 0,5 cent, and they are leaders in the word in telecom, i think we have major intrests who also want this going down, they earn a lot of money on this , invest in negative options fore exampel, or rent stocks and sell them, so the negative spiral is bigger.
On this issu, it have been good to follow the JW polyci, to dont bee to greedy, when evrything was on the top, you never think to sell, and when it start to go down, well it is turnig back son, evry expert say, soo now the bigg companies take your money. I thik whats hapend is the biggest movment of money, from smal man to the rich men, as we hade in the centuri, thats beaucuse they can use all of the markets tool, and the littel, man can not.
perhaps you here who talk about conspiracy theorie , have something here?